• The Conference
  • The Conference

Spread the Word

Share your participation in the National Carbon Capture Conference & Expo!

We’ve made it easy for you to share your involvement with the National Carbon Capture Conference & Expo and spread the word to your followers, clients, colleagues and customers. We think it’s important that as many people in the industry as possible come together at the event in November, and we know YOU are a vital piece to making that happen. Direct invitations and word of mouth are some of the most impactful ways to ensure all the right people are there to engage in effective meetings and high-level conversations on focusing forward for the carbon capture and storage industry. Below, you’ll find:
  • Saveable graphics for social media posts along with our logo and common banner sizes for your website and newsletters
  • Easy copy-and-paste templates for email and social media posts
  • Links to our social pages to tag us and #NCCC23
Thank you for sharing! We can’t wait to see you and 400+ industry producers and professionals in Des Moines, IA.

Social Post Graphics

Click on the image then right click to save or copy.





Banners & Logo

Click on the image then right click to save or copy.

Email Signature





Standard Banner

Vertical Banner

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Example of BBI International Events
2022 Nat'l Carbon Capture Conference & Expo

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